103: Your 1st Step In Becoming A Millionaire Starts Today

103: Your 1st Step In Becoming A Millionaire Starts Today I celebrate my birthday on 3rd June 2021. Because of this, I'm doing a Money Mindset Series: Birthday Edition. A gift for you as your money mindset mentor to create an outrageously successful life and business. In this Money Mindset Series, I hope that it will help you create wealth and gain practical wisdom on releasing your money blocks. For Women Who Love The F-Word: Being Fabulous, Having Freedom, Financial Independence and A Happy Family..... YOU HAVE A DIAMOND WITHIN YOU AND YOU DESERVE TO SHINE! Secrets of Manifesting Money Quickly Online Course ---> https://shor.by/moneymindset

Genecia Alluora: I celebrate my birthday on 3rd of June. Because of this, I'm doing a Money Mindset Series Birthday Edition. A gift for you as your Money Mindset Mentor to create an outrageously successful life and business. In this Money Mindset Series, I hope that it will help you to create wealth and gain practical wisdom on releasing your money blocks. For women who love the F-word, being fabulous, having freedom, financial independence and a happy family. You have a diamond that is within you and you deserve to shine. Secrets of Manifesting Money Quickly online course is available at shor.by/moneymindset.com.

Genecia Alluora: Hello, gorgeous, and welcome to today's show. I am Genecia Alluora, author of two best selling books, Miss Singapore, Cafe retail chain owner Southeast Woman Asia of Excellence 2010, and International Progressive Women 2019. I'm also the founder of Soul Rich Woman today. I want to talk about your first step in becoming a millionaire starting today. Now, I work with women with big dreams, okay? I'm not just talking about seven figures. I'm talking about amazing women like Oprah Winfrey, Ariana Heffington, game changing status. These women have tremendous visions for their lives, and I know that they are going to make it happen.

Genecia Alluora: Now, one of the first steps when working with a new client is typically tell me about your dream day exercise. The exercise where you share your million dollar lifestyle. The one where you wake up in the mansion, your private jet is waiting for you, or you are ready to dream, right? Because there is a diamond that is within you. You deserve to shine. So after my client is done dreaming, I ask, how can you start living that millionaire lifestyle now? Like right now? 99% of the time, my client would usually tell me, what do you mean? I do have money now, you know? That's why I'm hiring you as my mentor and coach to guide me right?

Genecia Alluora: Now, then I ask again, how can you start living your millionaire lifestyle right now? I insist on you and also my clients to make room right now for what's to come. Because if your mind is completely cluttered, you must declutter in order for you to be able to receive. If you don't see it right before you can achieve it, then how are you going to visualize it and eventually achieve it? So I just want to tell you something that will blow your mind. The psychological reason why making space for your million dollar lifestyle right now is so important, because if you act as if and if you see it before you achieve it, it allows you to manifest your dreams. Because you are taking a leap of faith. You act on faith.

Genecia Alluora: It requires you to expect things to come to you as if you already had what you want. But I just want to tell you this money does not make people happier. Wait, what? You knew? I mean, I figured you might know this statement. Money does not make people happier. Now, psychologists can measure the levels of people's happiness through instruments such as inventories and assessments. Here's a more complex statistics from the research. I think that drives the point home. The key thing here is there is no difference in the levels of happiness between a person that makes $50,000 and $50 million.

Genecia Alluora: Now, let me spell that out for you, because this is huge. There is no difference in the levels of happiness between a person that makes $50,000 and $50 million. Once you have your basic needs met, think about low hierarchy of needs the shelter, the food, the clothing and transportation. Your happiness levels don't change, no matter how high your income clients. So that extra money you make isn't going to bring extra happiness. I mean, the key to happiness is really finding happiness right now. It's not about waiting later maybe to live the life of your dreams. When you get the money, the men, the status, the award order, whatever. Now, happiness is about how you can bring the joy into the present moment.

Genecia Alluora: So it's time to step into the joy of what your future lifestyle will afford you. Because you can have a piece of it right now. Yes, you can have piece of that right now. You don't have to wait. So here's your assignment. How can you start living your million dollar lifestyle right now? Pick one in your life that becomes non negotiable expense or a non negotiable gift. For example, want to travel monthly? Well, start by saving so you can have a trip at least once a year. Imagine driving a really fancy car. Well, rent one from a luxury dealership or car dealer for the weekend. Only want to work 20 hours a week? Start to strategize how you can delegate task to an assistant to give you more time, freedom and go to the resource Instantribe.com.

Genecia Alluora: Now I want you to go there to grab the project kits and the workbooks that can help you to be delegating out like 80% to your to do list to give out to your assistant so that you can make money online and function in your zone of genius. So go to instanttribeleader.com. All right, this is really very important. If you want only to work 20 hours a week, go to Instantribleader.com. As always, figure out which task you can delegate automate and eliminate to work more with less. So I just want to say this. We all have a part to play in this.

Genecia Alluora: This is your time and you are ready for the next step. The more you can take action in a consistent way, the faster you build momentum and really grow your business. If you love today's episode, do rate review and subscribe to our podcast on itunes and Spotify or any apps that you are using to listen in because it helps us get found. Someone might just need to hear this episode today. As always, I love you, appreciate you, and I thank you for being here. You are the reason why I show up every day to walk with you and not in front of you. I'm right here beside you. Perfectly imperfect. So thank you so much. See you in the next episode. And bye for now.

Genecia Alluora: The key to unlock consistent success. The key to unlock that diamond within you. No other things involved. This is what you need to do and must do tonight. You can do it because I've done it. As long as you have a mentor who can take you from where you are now to where you want to be, you can shortcut your success. You can be different in order to make a difference. Turn your talent into your business. Turn your passion into a paycheck. By being you. By being you and only you. Give yourself a second chance. Never say no to your failures. As a woman, we have the power in our hands. Never let your fears hold you back. Quit thinking and start doing. Life is really short and keep pursuing what you truly ever wanted to achieve. Women come together. Alone, we are strong. Together, we are unstoppable. The Soul Rich Woman blueprint is going to be transforming your life today, yesterday, last year. Because you took action today, I'm going to say more power to you.

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