128: 7 Signs You Need To Work On Your Mindset
128: 7 Signs You Need To Work On Your Mindset
Episode 128: 7 Signs You Need To Work On Your Mindset
Hey, gorgeous and welcome to today's episode. I'm your host, Genecia Alluora. Now today, I want to share the seven signs you need to work on your mindset. Now, when it comes to money, sooner or later, there will be a wake-up call that happens for each of us. Maybe the last year has been a massive wake up call for you.
1. When you know it's your time but something holding you back.
(04:38- 05:34) Finally, each year you set big goals thinking that this will be the year that your dreams come true. You might even have a book that is sitting on your computer 90% done or a program or course that's ready to launch, but something's just stopping you. Every day you wake up and you think now it's the time, it's the right time. But the moment your income doesn't match up with your intelligence or with your degree or potential and the gifts you offer up to the world, you are tired and you are tired of waiting for someone else to choose you or you deem that you are ready to earn more. I'm sure you're frustrated in yourself that you haven't done it yet, but maybe today is today and you know that it's now or never.
2. When you’ve been practising personal development yet your money handling behaviour doesn't change.
2. When you’ve been practising personal development yet your money handling behaviour doesn't change.
(05:43-06:32) You love personal development, but the money hasn't shown up yet. Well, you could be feeling like a fraud or flaky person right now because you're doing everything right, but it's just not working. I bet you have a dream board, a vision board, or you journal your goals regularly. And you are a very positive person. You probably read every book that talks about making money abundance under the sun, but you feel like there's still a missing puzzle
It feels unfair if you're honest with yourself. You know that you've been sabotaging money behaviours that are working against you, but you can't change them.
3. When you don't earn what you are worth but you are aware of that.
3. When you don't earn what you are worth but you are aware of that.
(06:36-06:52) You don't earn what you are worth and you suspect that you're worth a lot more. The charge what you are worthing gets a really bad reputation, especially when we talk about it here in soul rich woman, you need to charge your worth, do less.
(07:00-07:34) It's because women don't see that they are worth the amount, and they're always using that excuse or that sentence. Women should just help women. Why should I charge or get someone to pay me for my products or services? I mean, you can't put a price tag on yourself as a human being. You're priceless, but guess what your business isn't. You have to name a price.
4. When you want to live a life worth living but you're compromising it.
4. When you want to live a life worth living but you're compromising it.
(08:39-08:50) You want to live a first-class, amazing life, but you're stuck in the rut, you're stuck in your cupboard.
(08:53-09:41) You are sick of compromising areas in your life, like where you stay, what you eat, how you are treating your family because we're talking about owning and loving the F-word. So being fabulous, freedom, financial independence, and a happy family. So you're kind of sick of compromising all these four F-Words in your life, where you live, how you dress, or how you travel. It's exhausting, super tiring to have to justify every single dollar, every single cent. Think about it. Wouldn't it be nice and cool to have peace of mind that you can always make more money? You're seeing other women rapidly increasing their income and you are kind of jealous? It's okay to admit it.
5. When you're aware of your money handling capability but do not seek any help.
5. When you're aware of your money handling capability but do not seek any help.
(09:57-10:01) You already know that you need a money mindset makeover.
(10:06-10:21) You might even have gone through situations when you think I've got to sort this out.
(10:22-10:50) For example, when you start to perspire when you talk to an accountant or anyone official or officially about money, or you sit and procrastinate like sending out invoices people send me their confessions all the time and say that they are so scared about money, in particular, talking about it and asking for it, you might even think you are really bad with money.
(11:08-11:16) It's about taking a practical inventory of your past experiences and examining it with all your beliefs and habits around money.
6. When you feel like you repel money.
6. When you feel like you repel money.
(11:27-11:56) You know how to manifest money quickly when you need to, but it's not predictable or it comes at a great personal cost. Like, for example, you're stressed out or burned out. When you have a good month, you often attract unexpected bills or fines that will wipe it all out. So you're always going like two steps forward and one steps back, ten steps forward and three steps back. And that can be so frustrating.
7. When you want to make more money, but you're also scared.
7. When you want to make more money, but you're also scared.
(12:04-12:21) Some people are surprised to learn that even millionaires are scared. Making more money doesn't make the fear go away. Same for me, even at the stage where I'm at, making money is scary sometimes.
(13:05-13:31) You worry about losing your privacy or safety. You worry, you get scammed. You worry about friends and family asking you for more money. You worry that it's going to be a hugely negative experience and you can see where I'm going. This is common and you can see these conflicting things and how much they could be holding you back.
Embracing the money blocks
(13:38-14:01) Everyone has their flavour of money blocks, and I'm here to help you identify yours and clear it.
(14:37-15:13) Remember, Money blocks don’t have to derail you. You can embrace them and move on to creating the life that you want, the F-Word that you want for yourself, family, financial independence, being fabulous, having freedom, but it all starts with your awareness. Once you know your block, you then can stop sabotaging behaviours that you can stop them, that they will not come and haunt you. And then you can move on to the next level. That's when you can make money, no matter what.
Key Takeaways:
1. Know your worth.
2. We all can have it all.
3. Create a money mindset reset.
4. You're priceless, but your business isn't.
5. Money blocks don’t have to derail you.
Key Resources:
Subscribe to Genecia’s Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/SoulRichWoman
Visit SRW’s website: https://www.soulrichwoman.com
Follow Genecia on Instagram : (@Geneciaalluora)
Follow Genecia on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/geneciaalluora/
Check Genecia’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/genecia/
Free Resource: "Soul Why: Soul Rich Woman Blueprint" and "How to Delegate 80% of your to-do list" ---> https://be.soulrichwoman.com
Secrets of Manifesting Money Quickly Online Course ---> https://shor.by/moneymindset